Kennisbank Docenten Avans Hogeschool

Can I complete tasks for another user (for example, a student) in a case?

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In some cases you may be authorised to complete taks for someone else. In this example you take over the taks of uploading a coaching meeting report.

Go to the Detailed screen  of the case.

  1. Click on  [overview]
  2. Click on the task that you wish to complete for someone else. You can only perform this action when the specific task is available for the other actor( for example) in the case.
  3. You will be taken to the task screen.
  4. Carry out the task you wish to complete.
Vorige Artikel How can I get an overview of the milestones and activities per case?
Volgende Artikel Student Coaching in Osiris Case (extra instructions for teachers)