Kennisbank Docenten Avans Hogeschool

How do I fill in a digital grade rubric (form)?

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In this intructional overview we will look at how you can fill in a digital grade rubric (form)  in Osiris Teacher (new) 

This instructional overview is for teachers who need to fill in a digital grade rubric (form)

Go to the the (new) Osiris Teacher via info & regelen/ doceren / Osiris Docent (nieuw)
Click on 'Grade' 

Make sure that ' Show only tests for which a grade can be registered' is set to YES

Search via the course code for the test whereby you wish to fill in a grade rubric (form)

Click on the correct course/test. You will see all the students who have registered for this course/test.
Click next to a student on ' fill grade rubric (form) in' or 'edit grade rubric (form)'  

Always fill in something in the feedback field

Fill a result in. If a student was not present fill in NA.
Fill in the test date
If the grade is a fail always add addtional information and state what the resit options are. 

Click on ' temporary save' if another teacher can fill in more details or if you wish to edit the rubric (form) further at a later date. 

Clcik on ' Save draft' if you still wish to edit or if you want to make the rubric (form)  definite and sign it. 

If you click on ' Save draft' then the rubric (form) is visible to the student

Sigining the rubric (form)

The rubric (form) can only be signed if it is saved as a concept.
Make sure you are in the main menu of the ' Results' tab 

Search once again for the course you need to sign.

Click on ' Sign' tab on the right hand side.

All grade rubrics (forms) that you have filled in for that course/test can be signed in one go. Click on ' Sign electronically'

Fill in your password and click on ' Sign' 

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