Werkinstructies Osiris

How do I search for students, notes or study progress of students?

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  1. When choosing Student in the main menu, a start screen will open, whereby the first tab shows the basic details of students  (there are two other tabs where you can see a students progress or notes).
  2. Depending on the chosen filters you will see only your own coaching students (supervisor active students) , all students  or  all active students within your faculty. 
  3. The chosen filter can be made a standard selection (when opening Student your chosen filter will always be shown first)
  4. Fill in the search fields with the details about the student you wish to search for
  5. Click on the green ' Search' button.
  1. Once you have clicked on search, you will see all relevant students that match the search on the right hand side of the screen
  2. To see further details about the student, click on the student you wish to see more information about 
  1. Now you can see all the relevant details about the chosen student and on the left hand side you see all the menu options for your chosen student
  2. In the top right hand corner you can scroll through all the students.
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